At a loss for words and actions
I keep trying to write that letter and it doesn't get easier. I know what I want to say but I don't know how to say it. He's leaving for four months in a matter of one week. I know things have changed with us but there are still all of those memories that I'll never be able to forget. He's been one of my best friends for the past three years, someone I've told everything to. It's not easy giving that up. I know this is for the best and that he needs to do this for himself but that doesn't really make this any easier. In one week everything will change forever. Sure, he'll come back in June but what about after that? What about when he gets deployed? Will I ever see him again? I promised myself I was done crying about this but the tears never seem to end. It was one thing for my cousin to leave because I knew I would see him again but will I see D again? He doesn't have the strongest roots in North Carolina so doesn't that lower my chances of ever seeing him again? I know I sound repetitive and like I'm whining but that's what I need to do right now. I only get to see him one more time before he leaves. So what do I say? For the first time in my life I am completely and utterly at a loss for words. What do I say to this guy who has had such a huge impact on my life? How do I tell him that he'll always have a place in my heart? That's not the easiest thing to do. I don't want to let go of him. It just seems too soon. He's always been the one person I could count on to be there. Who do I turn to for comfort when he leaves? I just don't know what to do or say right now.
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