A piece of my heart is leaving
Well, he leaves tomorrow. I can't tell you how many tears have fallen since he told me. Last night I literally cried myself to sleep thinking about him leaving. It feels like someone is physically taking away a piece of my heart. I saw him Saturday and I told myself I wouldn't cry. That was shot to Hell when he went to leave. I started crying but I didn't want him to see. I was the last one he said goodbye to so I had some time to compose myself but I just couldn't. He wrapped his arms around me and the tears fell. He told me not to change for anyone because I'm amazing the way I am. And people wonder why I love him. It's when he says things like that when I know he really does care about me. He's one of the most important people in my life and I just wasn't ready to say goodbye. I thought I would be okay after he left but the tears continued. It had finally hit me that I wouldn't be seeing him for another four months. That means no hugs, no words of encouragement, no smiles...for four long months. I could go on all day about how much I care about him but most of the people reading this already know so there isn't really a point, is there? This whole thing is just screwing with my emotions because I knew, or at least thought, I was over him for the longest time. If I'm over him then why am I crying this much? Is it okay to cry this much over someone who you just care about as a friend? I just don't know what to do. In a matter of 24 hours I won't be able to talk to him for four months. He said he'll call me as soon as he gets his phone back. I'm interested to see if he follows through. I just don't want him to leave. I'm out of words...