I'm a solid rock
Well, it's a new day and I am feeling oddly refreshed. I've had a good life so why am I continuously complaining? There are people in Haiti who will never have a normal life again and I'm over here complaining about how someone hurt me. We all get hurt sometimes and we just have to deal with it. There's a song by The Script called "Breakeven" and one of the lines in it says "when a heart breaks, it don't break even." Unfortunately, a lot of us can relate to that. One of my friends made a good point about it though. He told me that even though you heart might not break even, it can be healed. He's very right about that. You just have to take it one breath, one step, one day at a time. It's going to take time for my heart to heal but I know that I've got some pretty awesome people standing by my side helping me through it. I'm trying to talk to God and spend as much time with Him as possible because I know that He is the one who will get me through this. I can't do it on my own. I've finally realized that this is Him giving me the opportunity to be strong. I've been asking for strength and this is my opportunity. He knows that I am stronger than I believe; I just have to go through situations that give me the chance to put that strength into action. I won't be swayed anymore because I know who is watching out for me.