Keeping in touch and such
I'm not quite sure where to go from here. I saw C about a week and a half ago after six years of not seeing him. He's definitely changed for the better. I don't think I've ever heard him talk as much as he did. Aside from that a lot of things have been changing. I've been spending a lot of time with my friends who are gonna be at App with me next year. That's been good because I know that I'll have a lot of fun with them next year. On the other hand I haven't been spending a lot of time with my other friends which I kind of feel bad about but if we're meant to be friends it will all work out. I'm a little frustrated now. I keep thinking that I've found a great guy...then somehow he lets me down. I don't know why I always expect more out of guys than I should. If I don't expect anything then there's no way they can let me down. Well, a new guy (okay he's not new cause I've known him for about two years now) is coming into the picture. I'm not sure what I think about him cause I've always just seen him as a friend. He's a great guy though. He really is. I'm gonna try to give him a chance because I mean I've been let down so much before that at least if he lets me down at least I'll know how to deal with it. Okay, I'm done ranting and raving now. Final exams are upon me so I've got to go study!